This week we welcome back (now) 8-year old Darby from Idaho in the United States. Darby is fascinated with wildlife and her favorite animals are the many species of otters that live in our oceans and many rivers throughout the world. Darby blows us away with not only all her knowledge about otters, but also about their conservation, and why they are so important to our water ecosystems. Darby and her generation are going to be critical to helping us save our world's diverse wildlife. It is absol...
May 17, 2022•31 min•Ep 358•Transcript available on Metacast Nearly 150 million years ago, our earliest mammalian ancestors learned to glide from tree to tree. It is one of the most amazing adaptations next to flying mammals (aka bats). The Flying Lemurs, or Colugos, ancestors emerged nearly 85 million years ago. Stunningly, not much has changed since. These special creatures would leap to leap from tree to tree, living amongst dinosaurs and other primitive life forms. Today, there are two main species of Colugo living in South East Asia. While not curren...
May 04, 2022•1 hr 17 min•Ep 357•Transcript available on Metacast The Binturong is an obscure and elusive carnivore living in the tropical forests of South East Asia. They are in fact one of the most ancient carnivore species in existence and are modern replicas of what ancient Miacids might have looked like. Sadly, Binturongs have suffered for many decades due to a loss of their habitat. So much so, that sightings of Binturongs are now rare in their native ranges. Binturongs are so incredibly unique and are extremely important species to their native habitats...
Apr 27, 2022•1 hr 14 min•Ep 356•Transcript available on Metacast Sarah Woodard is an award-winning author of multiple children's books focused on activism. We often talk about the next generation and how they will be vital in helping to reverse the extinction crisis, global climate change, and other critical topics focused on protecting our wildlife. Sarah has multiple books introducing these topics and more in helping young children understand the world we live in. Sarah states, "I believe children are magical beings with the power to change adults, and the ...
Apr 20, 2022•58 min•Ep 355•Transcript available on Metacast One of the most well recognized whale species in our oceans has to be the Humpback Whale. From their acrobatics in the water to their melodic acoustics under the seas, Humpbacks amaze us. It is not too well known that Humpbacks were nearly hunted to extinction in the 20th Century and only survive today due to the ban on international whaling and focused protections from governments from around the world. Once down to an estimated population of only around 5000 whales, today there are estimates o...
Apr 13, 2022•1 hr 22 min•Ep 354•Transcript available on Metacast This week we welcome Dr. Richard Dawkins to discuss his latest book, Flights of Fancy Defying Gravity by Design & Evolution. We were both thrilled to speak with one of the world's best known evolutionary biologists and science communicators. Dr. Dawkins is well known for his advocacy for science and on of the world's leading scientific authors. We both were very fortunate to be able to read his latest book Flights of Fancy and we both agree it is a must buy. The artwork alone is incredible and w...
Apr 06, 2022•52 min•Ep 353•Transcript available on Metacast For this week we wanted to return to some of our special kids episodes. Particularly, we welcome Zoe who is 5 years old and from Texas. Zoe shares with us all her knowledge about one of her favorite species, the Red Ruffed Lemur! Zoe also shares with us her other favorite animals, especially the Red Panda and turtles. It is amazing to listen to the next generation talk about their favorite species and how they want to help save them. If you have your own kid expert and wanting to be featured on ...
Mar 30, 2022•25 min•Ep 352•Transcript available on Metacast Basilisks are some of the most charismatic reptiles currently living on our planet. Yet, not really known for their beauty, but rather more for their incredible ability to literally run across water. There are four species of Basilisk whose primary ranges are in Central America, with some ranging as far north as Mexico, and some ranging as far south as the the northern portions of South America. Generally, all four species of Basilisk are not in crisis, yet. Central America is a global conservat...
Mar 23, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Ep 351•Transcript available on Metacast This week we welcome Hope Carr. She is the Education Manager at Austin Zoo, as well as the founder and chairperson of the Texas Lobo Coalition, a non-profit dedicated to the restoration of the Mexican wolf to West Texas. Hope has been drawn to wild animals and wild places her entire life, and since earning her bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Conservation at Brigham Young University, she has been dedicated to teaching people all about the value of wildlife. Prior to her role at the Austin Zoo, Hope...
Mar 18, 2022•1 hr 12 min•Ep 350•Transcript available on Metacast This week we are excited to speak with Animal Chaplain and author Sarah Bowen. Sarah has grown up with a deep love and connection to animals and nature. So much so, that is led her in a direction of exploring spirituality, our connection with animals of all types, and the wonderous landscape we and they live in. We discuss many topics related to spirituality and what drove her to write her new book, "Sacred Sendoffs: An Animal Chaplain's Advice for Surviving Animal Loss, Making Life Meaningful, ...
Mar 09, 2022•1 hr 11 min•Ep 349•Transcript available on Metacast This week we welcome one of our greatest conservation heroes, Jeff Corwin. We were thrilled to spend an hour with Jeff in between filming of his latest show, Wildlife Nation, which is now airing on ABC in the USA. Jeff Corwin as a wildlife biologist and conservationist has spent the last three decades educating and entertaining many millions with his wildlife adventures. Jeff is now working with the incredible Defenders of Wildlife organization to showcase the many imperiled species in North Ame...
Mar 02, 2022•51 min•Ep 348•Transcript available on Metacast Out of all the bird species we have covered, Crows have to be one of the most sensational and intelligent. While we do debate on just who the "smartest" bird species in the world is, Crows are without doubt near the top. These amazing flying animals just prove we have so much to learn about them and nature. Crows continue to be thoroughly studied for their intelligence and we share what researchers around the world have learned from them. As well as, a few crow species, such as the Hawaiian Crow...
Feb 23, 2022•1 hr 13 min•Ep 347•Transcript available on Metacast We go back to the ocean and way down under to Antarctica to cover a top predator, the Leopard Seal. Besides Orcas, nothing can match this top dog of our southern oceans. Leopard Seals are notorious for hunting penguins, as well as other small and medium sized animals. Yet, they have so much mystery about them and are very much understudied. Of what we do know, will fascinate you. This week we talk about everything Leopard Seals and also have a brief chat about the "Doomsday Glacier," which we al...
Feb 16, 2022•1 hr 12 min•Ep 346•Transcript available on Metacast This week we speak with Dan Cabela about the ambitious Twelve Cheetah Project. Dan is representing the Cabela Family Foundation, who has given significant support to the rehabilitation of the Marromeu-Coutada Complex in the Zambeze Delta region in Mozambique. Dan tells us the story of how after the success of the 24-Lion project, which we covered with guest Ivan Carter in Episode 108, that conservationists have now returned twelve cheetahs to the same region. He also talks about the challenges o...
Feb 09, 2022•40 min•Ep 345•Transcript available on Metacast What can we say about one of Africa's most iconic animals, the Wildebeest, the Gnu. They are just legends. Their mass migrations across Eastern Africa have created some of the most intense predator vs. prey footage ever seen . These rugged survivors not only outrun Lions and Hyenas on the planes, often they are seen leaping and escaping death from the jaws of the massive Nile Crocodile. This is a special one! We go in depth on just how and why they migrate and cover everything else Wildebeest. T...
Feb 02, 2022•1 hr 24 min•Ep 344•Transcript available on Metacast With as few as 2000 Pygmy Hippos left in the world, we are losing one of natures often forgotten large herbivores. Though one tenth the size of their larger cousins the Common Hippopotamus, the Pygmy Hippo is no small runt. Weighing in as much as 600 lbs. (275 kg), they are still a force to be reckoned with. Yet, this shy and elusive herbivore is suffering and slipping towards extinction. Thankfully, these West African natives are a focus for many conservation efforts and their story is one to b...
Jan 26, 2022•1 hr 12 min•Ep 343•Transcript available on Metacast Amphibians are one of the most endangered class of animals on our planet. Throughout the world, many species of frogs, toads, newts and other amphibians are racing towards extinction. It is a true planetary crisis and catastrophe. Fortunately, we true conservation heroes like Dr. Kerry Kriger, who works each and every day to save these important animals. Dr. Kriger founded Save the Frogs in 2008 and ever since he has been a global leader in the effort to save frogs and many other species. He is ...
Jan 19, 2022•54 min•Ep 342•Transcript available on Metacast A beloved big cat, Snow Leopards are sadly slipping towards extinction. Yet, there is hope. With possibly less than 3900 Snow Leopards left in the wild, efforts are underway to save these big charismatic cats. As one of the big 5 species of big cats, Snow Leopards live in some of the most remote alpine environments on our planet. As the apex predator, they play a critical role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. You can learn more this week about them and without doubt they are a fan favorite. W...
Jan 12, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Ep 341•Transcript available on Metacast To kick off 2022 we travel to New Zealand and Australia to cover the world's smallest penguin. The Little Blue Penguin, or also called the Fairy Penguin or just Little Penguin, is as fascinating as it is cute. Sadly, the Little Blue Penguin's numbers are decreasing and are under incredible pressure. Penguins of all sizes are captivating but these Little Blue or Fairy Penguins will capture your hearts. They have carved out an important ecological niche down in our southern oceans and need our att...
Jan 05, 2022•1 hr 10 min•Ep 340•Transcript available on Metacast We are excited to chat with scientist and all around conservation rock star Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant. Outside of her scientific career and advocacy for wildlife, Dr. Grant is also the host to PBS's latest podcast titled "Going Wild with Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant." You can learn more about her podcast and observations from the field by visiting the website HERE. To learn more about Dr. Grant, from her website which you can access HERE it states: Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant is a wildlife ecologist with an expertise in ...
Dec 22, 2021•56 min•Ep 339•Transcript available on Metacast As we continue to celebrate our holiday animals, this week we cover the elegant Snow Goose. A group of Snow Geese are actually known as an "avalanche" or "blizzard." In the early and mid-20th century, the Snow Goose and many other waterfowl were heading towards extinction in North America. With focused conservation, these birds have rebounded and are a species showcasing how conservation can and does work. Snow Geese are incredible birds that nest in the Arctic and winter in the southern reaches...
Dec 15, 2021•59 min•Ep 338•Transcript available on Metacast We welcome author Mark Hawthorne on the podcast to discuss everything about rabbits. We often do not realize just how much rabbits influence our daily lives. They are woven into so many of our own cultures and are actually living near many of us in most areas of the world. Mark shares his vast knowledge on rabbits, giving insights into their history, conservation, why they are considered pests in Australia, some of their folklore and so much more. Much of this is in his new book The Way of the R...
Dec 10, 2021•52 min•Ep 337•Transcript available on Metacast One of nature's most crafty survivalist, the Snowshoe Hare, has evolved to change its coat to match its environment. White in the winter, and brown in the summer, Snowshoe Hairs blend in to avoid becoming a meal. Hares differ from rabbits in many ways, but as lagomorphs, they are some of natures most important animals. They serve a critical role in our complex ecosystem food webs. Many do not realize just how much these animals are in danger. In fact, many species of rabbits and hares are in tro...
Dec 09, 2021•1 hr 11 min•Ep 336•Transcript available on Metacast A species often forgotten about but captures the imagination of many is the Lynx. There are actually four species of Lynx, and this week we focus on the Eurasian Lynx. However, we do pay some attention to the endangered Iberian Lynx, who has made a remarkable comeback in Spain. The Eurasian Lynx has one of the largest ranges of any terrestrial animal. They stretch from Norway all across Siberia, then down into China and beyond. They have a special niche and are a critical predator for many biome...
Dec 01, 2021•1 hr 7 min•Ep 335•Transcript available on Metacast The Cape Seahorse, also called the Knysna Seahorse, is located off the southern African coast. Sadly, the Cape Seahorse is one of the most endangered species of seahorse found in the world. Off the coast of South Africa, they are located in three small estuaries and due to human activity are heading towards extinction. Fortunately, many organizations, with help from the South African government, are working hard to save these special creatures. Seahorses overall are just an awe inspiring species...
Nov 24, 2021•1 hr 12 min•Ep 334•Transcript available on Metacast This week we travel back to Australia to cover one of their most beloved species and highly endangered Wombat. First, the Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat is actually one of the most endangered mammals in the world. With only around 300 animals left, they are close to extinction. Wombats are marsupials and play such a critical role to the Australian environment as important herbivores. They also have some very surprising physiology and behaviors that held us in wonder. A fun fact is, a group of Womba...
Nov 17, 2021•1 hr 17 min•Ep 333•Transcript available on Metacast Skunks invoke fear in many animals, to include many people. This is not due to their obviously adorable looks, but all because of their deadly stink. Skunks have evolved a biological weapon that scares even the most ferocious predator. Their obnoxious stink comes from a highly accurate spray emitted from their anal glands. They are quite accurate with their aim, with a reach of nearly 10 feet (3 meters). The smell is so horrendous that most predators avoid them at all costs. In fact, skunks are ...
Nov 10, 2021•1 hr 9 min•Ep 332•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. John Vucetich is a professor and scientist at Michigan Tech University. For the past few decades Dr. Vucetich has studied wolf and moose interactions on one of the world's most unique biomes, Isle Royale in the United States. Isle Royale is a very unique biome as it is mainly isolated from the mainland of North America. It also offers many unique scientific perspectives on wolf/moose interactions and their impact on the environment. Dr. Vucetich also discusses his latest book Restoring the B...
Nov 03, 2021•1 hr 8 min•Ep 331•Transcript available on Metacast One of the many incredible and unique birds of New Guinea is the Dracula Parrot. This unique psittacine (sit-a-scene) or "parrot" is the only one left alive in its family. In fact, the Dracula Parrot is heading towards extinction as it is sought for its feathers and is losing its pristine habitat. The Dracula Parrot does not have a fearsome reputation as it name might suggest. Rather, it is a frugivore that is a fig specialist. They are highly selective and usually feed on a few fig species, mak...
Oct 27, 2021•1 hr 14 min•Ep 330•Transcript available on Metacast The Aye Aye is one of the world's most misunderstood and endangered primates. Native to Madagascar, Aye Ayes have been targeted and killed by locals due to superstitions. Coupled with massive loss of habitat and other pressures, this species is on a beeline towards extinction. The Aye Aye is also one of the world's most unique primates and has radical physiology compared to other primates. Sadly, Madagascar has had a horrific year with not only the covid pandemic, but is experiencing one of the ...
Oct 20, 2021•1 hr 8 min•Ep 329•Transcript available on Metacast