SE Episode 9 - How to Stay Positive
Sales Espionage Episode 9 - Staying positive in the moment without faking it.
Sales Espionage Episode 9 - Staying positive in the moment without faking it.
Sales Espionage Episode 8 - How to get over being a victim. When you're a victim, everything that happens is all about you. This mentality keeps you from actually solving any problems other than your own. Your customer cannot be used as a means to solving your own problems. You must solve their problems, and in order to do so, you have to stop being a victim.
Sales Espionage Podcast Episode 7: Often arguing with yourself only produces worse results than if you hadn't. We struggle internally for the things that really matter, and often we fall short of the decisions we know we should be making. How do you handle it?
Want to learn how to create predictable income? Start here. It all starts with your mental attitude and approach.
Do you ever wish you could control your emotions? That might be the whole problem. The key to controlling yourself is actually surrendering and watching the emotions dissipate. Learn more in this episode of Sales Espionage!
If you're like me, anxiety can cripple your success. Luckily, I've figured out an easy way to deal with it quickly. Listen to the podcast to find out how.
Do you get burnt out? Does it seem like you'll never "arrive"? That's because you won't. Well, you might, but it won't feel like you have. As you change, your goals change, big becomes small, huge becomes big, the cycle continues. If all you focus on is checking boxes, you'll never feel like you made it, and the happiness along with that will elude you. What do you do? Live by your values. Check out the podcast to see what I mean.
Every day decisions hold you back from massive success. Are you acting congruently?
Want to generate confidence on demand? In this episode of the Sales Espionage Podcast, Justin Weeder, The Covert Closer will walk you through 3 easy to do steps that will let you create confidence even when you feel terrible.