Today, Helga is talking co-chairing of boards and committees and you’re just hearing from her She's been a fan of job-share for years … as long as it’s done well. And Helga thinks some of the principles of good job share could apply to board room roles such as Chairing the board or committees. So, today, get ready, she's going to talk about some principles for co-chairing and then talk you through a live example – when she was co-chair of an organisation - it wasn't perfect, but they did it! So you can learn from what worked well and what could have been improved. If anything it will gives you something to think about! FOR MORE TAKE ON BOARD INFORMATION:Take on Board Breakfast with Brynn O'Brien : on Board Book Club: Kickstarter: the Take on Board community: along on Twitter: @TakeOnBoardFor more information about Helga Svendsen: in working with Helga? Helga: