Today on the Take on Board podcast, Helga is speaking with Caitlin Siostrom about the risk oversight on not for profit and small organization boards and how to create meaningful risk appetite statements and policies that are fit for purpose, no matter your resources. Caitlin is on the board of Times Change Women's Employment Service and chair of the risk committee. Time Change is a women's run not-for-profit, providing employment opportunities for women in need. She is also a senior regulatory lawyer, who recently led ASIC's Corporate Governance taskforce workstream, looking at board oversight of risk in Australia's largest financial institutions. Caitlin recently moved to Canada and is currently a senior director at Royal Bank of Canada, where she leads the bank's Regulatory Compliance Management program. Contact Caitlin or find out more about her: Resources mentioned in this episode:The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis: FOR MORE TAKE ON BOARD INFORMATION:Take on Board Breakfast with Brynn O'Brien : on Board Book Club: Kickstarter: the Take on Board community: along on Twitter: @TakeOnBoardFor more information about Helga Svendsen: in working with Helga?