Welcome back. The blerdz Jaljuda and George this week talk about watching Dragonball super super hero, the guy that faked having monkeypox to promote his music ( look at link below), tours in sundown cities, Slave houses on AirBNB and a bunch other stuff.
@Duanecali on Tiktok the guy we mentioned who faked monkeypox for clout https://news.yahoo.com/tiktoker-shamelessly-admits-faked-having-222030206.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKSnXX3cPQtTCL4Z9hui1BAyOLYHe33loF3ql4qhMj8584VEFY0ZTZJvWIPlA6IoLPmZ2wBUr0Z54JWzjkR4RS3lfarss3WVzvp7i39pEzUWNIAKzoZBA6VBNjlce2qLQ8Z40qD8VQo6dfPLUdyJFE3Jj2vHFCbsY_L6REoSSdYm
(I figured by time I got around to editing this episode the guy would have deleted all the tiktoks that shows him “having monkeypox” but I got my hands on it before)
Link to the article about slave houses being used for BNBs https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/airbnb-removes-mississippi-slave-cabin-listings-viral-tiktok-video-rcna41092
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