Episode description
Episode 188 of The whomst podcast
This episode George rambles about teachers with guns and why they shouldn’t get them, The Hepatitis Strawberry, a really dumb theory about water killing us and Playing GTA 3 again on playstation.
This will be updated with link to youtube of this episode once it is uploaded.
Remember Grand Theft Auto 3 on PS2?
What was your favorite PS2 game?
Podcast about why it took so long for the police to enter Uvalde School during shooting https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS81NG5BR2NJbA/episode/Mzk2YWE5ODYtNDA1NS00ZDY5LWFhOGItZWNiNjBmOWRlYWUx?ep=14
Youtube video: Strawberries with Hepatitis