As teachers, we constantly give feedback to our students. We usually do it verbally or written, and the intent is to help students improve and grow. However, when it comes to receiving feedback, it’s a different monster. How did we progress to a state where we feel we’re too good for feedback? How can we become better at asking and receiving it? In this 4-part series, I’m going to discuss the different aspects of feedback, from asking for it, to how to optimally receive it, and how to craft it in a better way for our students. Today I’m going to be discussing asking for it. If you missed the other parts of the series: TnT 48: Student feedback can completely change your teaching TnT 49: Why you might be wasting that valuable feedback TnT 50: Five steps for giving impactful feedback Love this show? Become an AWESOME SUPPORTER! Don't forget to leave a voicemail! Let your voice be heard! Click here how to find out how you can be a part of the podcast by telling us your favorite parts of teaching! Listeners who leave a voicemail will be eligible to receive a FREE Teachers Need Teachers sticker! Click HERE to find out more! Got questions, feedback, or want to be on the show? You can email me at Connect with me