Many new teachers get to the point where they're just DONE with their teaching situation, or maybe just teaching in general. While most of you are still excited about teaching since you've just started, there are still some of you that are already overwhelmed and just over it all and are wondering what to do next. You may be wondering if teaching is still right for you. You may have hated the first semester for a variety of reasons that seem beyond your control. Maybe you still love teaching but there’s just something that’s making it less enjoyable or less fulfilling. In today's episode, I give you some options aside from quitting teaching altogether that may make teaching more enjoyable and keep you in the field. Sign up for the New Educator Conference in Santa Clara, CA at CTAGO.ORG Love this show? Become an AWESOME SUPPORTER! Want to ask a question and be featured on the podcast? Let your voice be heard! Click here to find out how you can be a part of the podcast by asking a question! Listeners who leave a voicemail will be eligible to receive a FREE Teachers Need Teachers sticker! Click HERE to find out more! Got questions, feedback, or want to be on the show? You can email me at Connect with me