In the last episode, we discuss how to pay off debt and save for an emergency fund, as well as the need for a budget, and today we discuss our financial future - which can be difficult for some to consider when they’ve got another 30 years of teaching to go! But it’s so important that we start early because when it comes to retirement savings, time is your friend! So Rob discusses how to plan so that you can have the lifestyle you want when you retire, how you can retire earlier than planned, and how the financial independence movement that’s taking storm can benefit you. Sign up for the New Educator Conference in Santa Clara, CA at CTAGO.ORG
Recommended Podcasts for learning how to manage your money:
Afford Anything
Stacking Benjamins
Teach and Retire Rich (teacher-specific)
One Million Apples (teacher-specific)
Facebook Group ChooseFI Educators - has lots of great financial tips for teachers who are looking to improve their financial situation as well as a community for encouragement! Love this show? Become an AWESOME SUPPORTER! Want to ask a question and be featured on the podcast? Let your voice be heard! Click here to find out how you can be a part of the podcast by asking a question! Listeners who leave a voicemail will be eligible to receive a FREE Teachers Need Teachers sticker! Click HERE to find out more! Got questions, feedback, or want to be on the show? You can email me at Connect with me
TnT 95 How new teachers can invest in their future now and have big wins in retirement | Teachers Need Teachers podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast