For many new teachers, lesson planning ALONE is a huge source of stress and anxiety. Not only is there a billion other things to do as a teacher, but there's the tiny detail of knowing how and what to plan. Yes, you definitely learned about it and even did some practice lesson plans. But now that you're faced with your own students (and possibly teaching a grade that you weren't prepared for), it's a whole new ballgame. In this episode, I don't tell you how to plan - I explain the mindset and big-picture view of planning an entire year, then down to quarters, units, and daily lessons. You can help make this podcast better! Please click the button below to complete this survey so that I can discuss the topics that matter to you most! Love this show? Become an AWESOME SUPPORTER! Want to ask a question and be featured on the podcast? Let your voice be heard! Click here how to find out how you can be a part of the podcast by asking a question! Listeners who leave a voicemail will be eligible to receive a FREE Teachers Need Teachers sticker! Click HERE to find out more! Got questions, feedback, or want to be on the show? You can email me at Connect with me