I’m not aware of anyone in the world more qualified than Arthur Firstenberg, Author of The Invisible Rainbow A History of Electricity and Life, to talk about the historical impacts of the reckless spread of harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation. His 40+ years of surviving electromagnetic poisoning, his medical background, his keen intellect and his multi-decade campaign to bring awareness to the harm that is being caused, not only to people but to plants, animals and insects as well as the zeal with which he approaches his research -- all of these things enable him to speak not only about what has happened in the past, but the inescapable conclusion that our current habits with regard to technologies are unsustainable.
I can help you in improving your living environment, reducing personal or family exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation – today. We can do that. But one day? If as a society we continue in the direction we’re headed? I don’t know what to say. Listen to this conversation and form your own opinion. Listen to the end.
This is a longer conversation. We lay the groundwork in the first 20 minutes – what is the legitimate, the natural electromagnetic environment of the earth? The next 20 or so we talk about the history of man’s use of electrically-based commercial implementations. What happened step by step as the telegraph, the power grid, the telephone, wireless radio, radar, the first generation of satellites were deployed? What is the unmistakable signature, the cost we’re paying? What’s the tie to the diseases of civilization – heart disease, diabetes, cancer? Lot’s of miscellaneous tidbits along the way.
Next we talk about how much information and from what sources we had with regard to the potential harm from RF radiation and how we went ahead and implemented cell phone technology which requires anyone wanting to use such technology to live in an unnatural radiation environment 24x7 everyplace they go. And the rest of us, who know better? No way to escape this radiation inside our homes without modification or outside our homes at all.
Finally we talk about what it will take to make a change and what you can do to help. Easily one of the most important conversations I’ve ever published. I hope you enjoy my conversation with Arthur Firstenberg.
I highly recommend Arthur's book: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-invisible-rainbow-a-history-of-electricity-and-life-arthur-firstenberg/13580924?aid=104394&ean=9781645020097&listref=keith-cutter-s-favorite-emf-books&
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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
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The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC