Nighttime use of an RF shielded bed canopy can be a life saver, but what if you need more? Protection during the day in addition to protection at night. After all you can’t spend all day in bed! If you’re in survival mode; you’ve realized the place you’re living is uninhabitable from an RF radiation exposure perspective; and you need a way to endure until you can find or create a more appropriate living arrangement – this technique may be a real help in the short term.
If you need to get to the lowest daytime levels of RF as quickly as possible, perhaps while building a low EMF home. This podcast is for you. It’s not an ideal long-term solution, and it’s expensive, but it can provide significant personal RF reduction during large portions of the day.
Favorite Bed Canopy Affiliate (discounted) Link:
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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel:
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC