This is part one of a conversation with Andrew McAfee, an EMF consultant with a powerful narrative of transition from professional musician to an EMF consultant, author and inventor. Together, we shine a light on the hidden dangers lurking in our homes, exploring the paradox of our dependence on modern conveniences that may come at the cost of our well-being. In this enlightening conversation, Andrew unveils the truth behind the National Electrical Code and its shortcomings in protecting us from the health impacts of EMF exposure.
Have you ever considered how the electrical grounding in your home might affect your health? It's a conversation that's rarely had, yet it holds critical importance. This episode delves into the essentials of electrical grounding and return currents, providing a wealth of knowledge for those curious about the intricacies of our power infrastructure. We discuss the delicate balance between the natural electrical fields of our planet and the disruptive forces of man-made alternating currents, offering actionable advice for safeguarding your health against these invisible threats. Our dialogue offers a treasure trove of insights into managing EMF exposure and personal safety, especially from phenomena like lightning strikes.
Wrapping up, we reflect on the broader effects of electrical infrastructure on both individual health and the environment. The modern power grid, a marvel of human engineering, has dramatically altered the electromagnetic landscape, presenting new challenges to living organisms created for life in the Earth's natural electromagnetic environment. This episode provides a critical analysis of historical evidence on the health and environmental impacts from EMFs and underscores the urgency to address these modern challenges. Remember, our journey into understanding and mitigating EMF exposure is ongoing, so join us next time for continued exploration into creating healthier living spaces within our electrified world.
Continue the journey with the EMF Remedy Premium Podcast, with over 110 episodes and counting!
Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
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Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC