Welcome to an exciting new chapter of our podcast, we're rebranding -- changing our name and cover art. The new name of the podcast is EMF Remedy -- same as our business name, same as our web site.
Rest assured, your subscription to our podcast remains untouched, requiring no extra effort on your part. Make sure you look for our new podcast name and artwork in your feed.
To our dear colleagues, we share some long-considered musings, hoping to stir constructive discussions. I just can't abide worthless 'solutions' that are becoming so often promoted when the real solution, as we all know, is the difficult work of proper assessment and remediation of nnEMF. As an industry, I'm inviting you to stay the course and provide legitimate help.
We're nothing without our listeners, and we're immensely grateful for your unfaltering support. Remember, each one of you can play a part in spreading the word about EMF exposure and its solutions. Let's continue this journey together, hand in hand.
Continue the journey with the EMF Remedy Premium Podcast, with over 110 episodes and counting!
Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC