Ready to challenge your beliefs and examine some hard truths? We tackle the contentious topic of non-native EMF exposure and why some individuals resist acknowledging its harmful nature. We'll traverse complex terrains of knowledge avoidance, willful ignorance, and deeply ingrained beliefs, while shedding light on how data, logic, and green tea can stimulate profound thinking and facilitate difficult conversations about EMF harm.
Brace yourself as we transition into the realm of medical ignorance and complicity, where we critically evaluate the practice of treating symptoms of EMF poisoning with medication, rather than addressing the root cause. We'll delve into the murky waters of electromagnetic poisoning, challenging denial, and unpacking the implications of social engineering. Our journey doesn't end here, but with increased awareness and a commitment to protect ourselves and our loved ones, we can begin to navigate these dark corners more effectively. So, let's gear up, stay curious, and fight the good fight against EMF harm together.
Continue the journey with the EMF Remedy Premium Podcast, with over 110 episodes and counting!
Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel:
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC