Episode description
We want to help you find the best place in a temporary or permanent dwelling to avoid or minimize electric field exposure. In this episode, we'll discuss the earth's natural electric field and how it's different from the man-made electric fields found in most homes.
We'll explore three practical strategies for reducing exposure to electric fields and demonstrate how they can be easily implemented in your home.
We'll also discuss finding safer places without an appropriate electric field meter. We'll discuss reasonable goals for remediation and introduce the concept of 'Resilience Shelters' for maximum benefit. Finally, we'll get into the three super strategies -- how periodic elimination of source and electric field shielding might be appropriate to your situation
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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
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The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC