Episode description
EPISODE #333-- We're getting real classy this week and buddy up with Shakespeare's premier drunken buffoon. We talk CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT (1965) (AKA FALSTAFF) and also THE FRENCH DISPATCH (2021) and THE LONG DARK (2017).
Donate to the cause at Patreon.com/Quality. Follow James on Twitter @kislingtwits and on Instagram @kislingwhatsit or on gildedterror.blogspot.com. You can watch Cruz and show favorite Alexis Simpson on You Tube in "They Live Together." Thanks to our artists Julius Tanag (http://www.juliustanag.com) and Sef Joosten (http://spexdoodles.tumblr.com). The theme music is "Eine Kleine Sheissemusik" by Drew Alexander.
Listen to DRACULA: A RADIO PLAY on Apple Podcasts, at dracularadio.podbean.com, and at the Long Beach Playhouse at https://lbplayhouse.org/show/dracula
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