Episode description
EPISODE #317-- Open up wide, because we got a big ol' episode for ya! Today we talk the 1973 spook'em THE LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE. We also talk about THE OTHER DREAM TEAM (2012), M (1931), WHIRLYBIRD (2021), THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN (1960), and THE SUICIDE SQUAD (2021).
Donate to the cause at Patreon.com/Quality. Follow James on Twitter @kislingtwits and on Instagram @kislingwhatsit or on gildedterror.blogspot.com. You can watch Cruz and show favorite Alexis Simpson on You Tube in "They Live Together." Thanks to our artists Julius Tanag (http://www.juliustanag.com) and Sef Joosten (http://spexdoodles.tumblr.com). The theme music is "Eine Kleine Sheissemusik" by Drew Alexander.