Dave takes us through a show with,
Ready Set Go -
Boe Explains it all
Vanessa Parody
Higher or Lower
This game is broken is a comedy hobby board game panel show and we play a lot of nonsense games, with role playing and trivia and other fun stuff which can be found at the links below.
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TGiBpodcast
iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-game-is-broken/id1282526804?mt=2
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/this_game_is_broken_podcast/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Thisgameisbrokenpodcast/
Email - Thisgameisbrokenpodcast@gmail.com
And if you want to help us out financially... for some insane reason...
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thisgameisbroken
This Game is Broken - The Board Game Comedy Podcast.
With Matthew Jude, Dave Luza, Paula Deming, Nick Murphy and Mike Murphy, download it wherever you get your podcasts.
All our art was done by the fantastic Deadcatdreaming find him at deadcatdreaming.co.uk