📢 “With untrodden territory, there’s no plan to show you how to get from A to B … every step is new”
In this episode, we hear Richard Pharro, CEO of APMG International, talk to Ket Patel, UK Collaborations Lead for the Change Management Institute, about how we can better navigate the untrodden territory of Change.
Listen in as we discuss barriers, drivers, leadership, and how to build the right environment.
We cover the major factors in creating successful change before Ket breaks down his surprising take on the distinction between ‘change’ v.s ‘transformation’.
Delving deeper into the part relationships have to play in change projects, Ket talks to us about how creating the right environment is one of the most essential things you can do to build a change culture. “Building trusted relationships with the people around you” enables you to feel safe to speak up and question the status quo.
In part, a large part for Ket, this comes down to leadership. Leaders are the ones who navigate the uncertainty when an organization goes from program to transformation, and for him it’s imperative to the success of a change project that leaders are able to deal with uncertainty.
Finally, we discuss how a how lack of “strategic priority” within leadership drives the collapse of change programs and the markers of transformation with Ket telling us “the more uncertain a project is, it is the more transformative it is.”
Ket’s belief is that for change to thrive, we need to keep questioning that status quo, and never just “accept things how they are”.
👉🏽 Listen in to this transformative episode and begin your change.
🔗Connect with Ket: linkedin.com/in/ketpatel-changeagitator
📝Find out more about how a Change Management certification can help you advance your career: apmg-international.com/product/change-management
📝Find out more about APMG Certifications: apmg-international.com/services/certifications-solutions