In this episode we arrive at the end of our five-part series talking about the CIA NA Pentagram, this time discussing the last pillar, Authentication.
Authentication is always associated with passwords and how you can prove that you are who you say you are.
When you hear Authentication, always have things like tokens, digital certificates, multi factor authentication or two factor authentication in mind but remember that Authentication will keep changing and evolving over the years and new ways, techniques or protocols could be introduced to the field.
Jason and Kip go over the different authentication factors and how you might be asked about them, on a job interview.
Then they go over different concepts and protocols like SSO, SSL, TLS and how they relate or can be used for authentication.
In the End, Kip goes over password managers and what is the criteria for choosing a good password manager.
What You’ll Learn
● What is Authentication and how does it look like in the real world?
● What is Zero trust?
● What is the difference between the different availability options?
● What are the five factors of authentication?
● What is SSO?
Relevant Websites For This Episode
Other Relevant Episodes
● Episode 84 - The CIA Triad - The Basis of Cybersecurity (Confidentiality)
● Episode 85 - The CIA Triad - The Basis of Cybersecurity (Integrity)
● Episode 86 - The CIA Triad - The Basis of Cybersecurity (Availability)
● Episode 87 - The CIA Triad - The Basis of Cybersecurity (Nonrepudiation)