In rank defiance of all the various conflicting things we've told you Episode 105 would be about, here is an episode about 2015's (and sadly also 2022's) Lauren Southern (lying, untruth-telling nazi liar-nazi) and the mainstreaming and normalising thereof.
In this episode we consider Lauren's career (in brief, owing to the fact that chronicling her trail of lies and evil acts has become something of a cottage industry for the online left), her departure from politics and regrettable return, her ostensible changed nature (lol), her pub-excluding ideological lenses, and her sitcom life which comes complete with eccentric stereotype boyfriend, slapstick boat adventures and rollerblading accidents, and snarky one-liner strewn bickering with her mismatched (or is he really so mismatched?) buddy 'Destiny'.
We take a stop-off with fan-favourites Posobiec, Elijah Shaffer, and (by mention) Rittenhouse, via Lauren's lie-filled 'documentary' Crossfire. We listen in on Lauren's conversation with Nicky-Boy Fuentes' old friend (turned undeadly enemy) James Allsup back at the time of Unite the Right. Then we also pop in on Lauren's friendly and boozy and giggly stint as a guest of our old 'person we talked about' Tim Pool. It is possible that unflattering nicknames were mentioned, and not just Tim's. We then round it off with some seriously nerdy shit. Elvish swords at the ready for the protection of pan-Western civilisation or some such stupid bollocks.
Content Warnings, of course.
Show Notes:
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Episode Notes:
Lauren Southern in Lakemba, Australia, 2018
Why the Alt-Right’s Most Famous Woman Disappeared
Hey It's Vadim The Truth About Lauren Southern and Christchurch
Lonerbox, Lauren Southern and the Boats
Xanderhal talks to Lauren Southern
Jose, The Many Lies of Crossfire
Destiny Wanders Into Lefty Protest Wearing MAGA Hat ft. BLM Lauren Southern
Lauren Southern Nearly Dies Trying to Rollerblade
Lauren Southern Crossfire Documentary
Shaun on Lauren Southern and the Great Replacement
Shaun on Lauren Southern and 'What Every Girl Needs To Hear'
Shaun on why Stefan Molyneux is wrong about Immigration and the Fall of Rome
Shaun on why Immigration didn't case the fall of Rome
Jose on Pseudo-Journalism and Lauren Southern
Jose on The Many Lies of Borderless (Lauren's film)