Join Pat and Andrew as they Talk with Mike Shea (Sly Flourish) about his views on a simple future for DM prep, how technology could help make it more simple, and how technology can really get in the way. We also touch on how a player might be able to prep for a game session, simple to use VTTs, where you can take notes, and what ZERO DM prep might look like.
Guest: Mike Shea from; @slyflourish on twitter.
Discussion Topics: Can technology help DM prep or will it just get in the way?
Credits: Gabriel Gonzalez from for the use of our theme song and Lee Smithson for the voiceover recording.
For updates on the show, follow @acsearles on Twitter.
Show Notes:
1:41 - Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
16:39 - Notion - First of multiple mentions
16:45 - Microsoft OneNote
18:10 - Discord
18:20 - Owlbear Rodeo
20:05 - Sly Flourish's Podcasts
21:57 - D&D
23:33 - Sly Flourish's Fantastic Adventures
24:56 - Lazy DM's Companion
36:45 - Numenera & MCDM Productions
28:20 - David Allen
31:29 - World Anvil
31:40 - Obsidian Note Taking
32:11 - Monte Cook Games
34:30 - Castle Ravenloft in Minecraft
37:15 - Bloodborn
40:00 - Neverwinter Video Game
44:22 - Curse of Strahd
44:48 - M.T. Black
45:00 - Decent into Avernus
52:10 - Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden (SPOILERS!!)