⭐ Download FREE lesson PDF + quiz: https://espressoenglish.lpages.co/free-pdf-subject-verb-agreement-tricky-cases/
⭐ Advanced English Grammar Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/advanced-english-grammar-course/
Subject-verb agreement is one of the first things you learn in English class. It means the subject of the sentence has to have the correct verb form:
Simple, right?
Well, watch out because today we’ll look at 10 tricky cases, some situations where the correct subject-verb agreement might not be so obvious! Many English learners make mistakes with these, so pay close attention.
And after watching this lesson, make sure to try the quiz to test yourself. You can download it by clicking on the link below and entering your e-mail address.
⭐ Download FREE lesson PDF + quiz: https://espressoenglish.lpages.co/free-pdf-subject-verb-agreement-tricky-cases/
⭐ Advanced English Grammar Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/advanced-english-grammar-course/