Why is it some days everything seems to flow with ease and grace, while other days it seems like chaos?
In this episode, I interview my husband Andrew to discuss the concepts made popular by researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book “FLOW”.
✅ How to utilise Motivation to make a difference to you and the kids you know
✅ Challenge Skills Matrix. Don’t be afraid of extending and challenging. This is covered in depth within the Temple Grandin Course Lesson 1 – Stretching. See below for more information on the course. This is very similar to the educational concept called Zone of Proximal Development – “is the distance between what a learner is not currently capable of doing unsupported, and what they can do unsupported.” (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_of_proximal_development).
✅ Belief “It is lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges and I believe in myself” – Muhammad Ali
✅ Feedback and planning. Teach what to do when make a mistake
✅ Arousal Awareness: Using breaks to increase engagement. Discussed further in Episode 59 linked below. Do students need silence or movement? Great book “The Kids Guide to being Awesome” also in show notes blog post link below to purchase
✅ Time Out. The mind and body needs recharging. See Spoon Theory pg 65 in my Book… A Manual to Provide Support and Care to Adults with Autism Spectrum (link in show notes blog post below)
Read more about this podcast in the show notes found via the link belowhttps://suelarkey.com.au/finding-your-flow/
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