Discussed in this Episode:
✅ The Number 1 Adaption, Adjustment every school & home needs
✅ NCCD – 4 Levels of Adjustments
✅ Why Using Timers works for EVERYONE (timers - https://suelarkey.com.au/time-timers/)
✅ Mega Book Pages 21-24 (Mega book - https://suelarkey.com.au/product/sue-larkeys-mega-book/ )
1. Ease stressful transitions by showing “how much longer” and “here is what 5 more minutes really means”
2. Show when challenging activities will end: “Lets go shopping for 30 minutes” “Handwriting for 30 minutes”
3. Help everyone (especially new staff or visitors) stick to the routine
4. Reduce anxiety by creating predictability & consistency
5. Help develop a reliable internal clock (especially for students with ADHD)
6. Help with organisation & time management so don’t get ‘caught up’ in preferred activities
7. See at a glance how much time is left
8. Keep lessons/activities focused and on track
9. Effectively manage small groups for differentiated instruction
10. Provide focus for individual work (help self manage time)
11. Tests/Exams (Fantastic for Time Management in Naplan)
12. Know how long to speak in presentations (News, Debates, Class Presentations)
13. Empower students to manage their own time in ALL activities
14. Ensure equal time for taking turns
15. Break Times (Help self regulate break times, know when they are going to occur and for how long so they return to work etc)
16. Use timer to have set Toilet / Drink and Snack Breaks
17. Break larger challenges into smaller tasks or amounts of time
18. Rotate learning stations
19. Manage Screen Time or “special interests”
20. Help students with autism slow down and not rush OR ‘speed up’
21. Many students lose track of time when they are doing something they love. Often they do not have an end point or they want to repeat the activity. Timers create a finish point.
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