This free E-Book is full of tip sheets and ideas to assist support workers in looking after adults on the autism spectrum.
This E-Book also compliments perfectly a brand-new book by Anna Tullemans and Sue Larkey:
A Manual to Provide Support and Care for Adults with Autism Spectrum.
✅ Why we have written this new book for Support Workers, Participants, and their Families/Carers
❤️ The changes we have seen in Disabilities Services and Autism Spectrum. From Institutions to Individualised Programmes – From Autism being considered part of Schizophrenia to having separate diagnosis in DSM 3 in the 1980s to today where we use the term Autism Spectrum Disorders.
⭐️ Why Switching Tasks can be Challenging and what you can do to Support Participants
📌 Adaptive Skills – Why they are important for Capacity Building and Independence
⭐️ Importance of Self Advocacy and using the “This is Me” Proforma in the new book
✅ How Building Independence & Participant Participation underpins our New Book
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