Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez. You may love him, hate him, or wonder who we’re even talking about – but the truth is that Nayib Bukele has changed the direction of El Salvador’s history forever, simply by turning it from the world’s most dangerous nation to one of its safest, practically overnight. But we must ask the important question here: is he the Central American nation’s savior? Or is he a tyrant slowly controlling the population’s lives with an iron fist?
In this episode of the Learn Spanish with Stories podcast, we are going to discover not only what Nayib Bukele has accomplished in a few years, but everything that led (historically speaking) to today’s situation in El Salvador and why he was elected to begin with. After all, as the old adage goes: “Hard times create strong men”. Enjoy the episode!
Transcript of this episode is available at: