When traveling across Latin America, especially at night, you may find that some towns and small populations will recommend you to stay indoors after the sun comes out, but why? Sure, some countries aren’t as safe as others, but it’s not always -human- threats that they’re worried about…
You see, in Latin America, there is said to be a number of dark, supernatural threats that await unwary travelers, sometimes monsters with horrific forms, while other times they are what we could have once known as “people” that are now more like bloodthirsty specters and cursed ghosts.
Don’t believe me? Check out our latest episode of Learn Spanish with Stories to discover just how spooky things can get when you’re alone in the dark… it won’t seem so farfetched then!
Just a reminder: if you’re looking to learn how to speak Colombian Spanish – or just know more about the fascinating nation of Colombia – check out the amazing Spanish Colombiano podcast, hosted by Jorge. Find it on: https://www.spanishcolombiano.com/episodios
Transcript of this episode is available at: https://podcast.lingomastery.com/listen/1066