Over the last 12 months my business had grown by 400%, I’ve had my third child and I’ve gotten serious about golf. In this episode I discuss balance in life and why its important.
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00:00 - 02:34 Life & business updated.
02:34 - 03:51 My only role in my business.
03:51 - 06:17 My daily routine and why we pick Athens as our residence.
06:17 - 08:16 Making friends is a work but it's worth it.
08:16 - 12:17 Fist Caller: About how to balance College while Developing a career in Real estate.
12:17 - 13:47 Second Caller: How to do I find deals?
13:47 - 18:50 Third Caller: Are you still taking loans from the bank?
18:50 - 21:54 Fourth Caller: What are some subtle distractions that hinder you from achieving your goals?
21:54 - 28:10 Fifth Caller: What keeps you motivated?
28:10 - 33:15 Sixth Caller: How to build an awesome community?
33:15 - 39:32 Seventh Caller: *Talks about golf*
39:32 - 49:16 Eight Caller: *Talks about Track & Field and Family*
Special thanks to the sponsor: http://getjobber.com
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