Episode description
In this episode, I delve into why your New Year’s resolution is destined to fail and address how you can fix it so you can beat the odds and achieve your resolution in 2018.
I discuss the specific criteria a well-designed resolution should meet, why trying to accomplish your resolution on your own and your finances could be the biggest obstacles to its success, and why it’s so important to vocalize your resolution to others.
I hope you enjoy my episode on New Year’s resolutions and encourage you to transform yours to one that is destined to succeed today. Now let’s jump right in and get to the straight talk!
What You’ll Discover In This Episode:
- The Importance Of Creating New Year’s Resolutions
- 3 Reasons Your Resolution Is Sure To Fail (And How To Not Let It)
- The Secrets To Attaining Success With Your Resolution
- What Syndrome You May Be Suffering From That’s Holding You Back
- So Much More!
Important Resources & Links From This Episode: