I recently returned from a speaking tour on the East Coast of the US and I had the opportunity to meet and interview a number of US Congressmen and Senators in Washington DC. One of the critical messages I raised in all of my meetings was the need to stop all US funding to the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA which is used to fund terror and the education of terror against the Jews. Congressman Andy Barr totally gets it.
Please take a moment to watch this interview and then send it to all of your government representatives to join Congressman Barr in his efforts on this matter.
As I explained in all of my meetings, this funding is not just important to stop direct US support of terror, but also to stop the continuous growth of Jew-hating antisemitism in the United States. Growing Jew-hating anti-semitic acts against Jews in the name of "palestine" is also a direct outgrowth of this financial support of terror in Israel. It is that simple.