Welcome to another episode of the Open Studio Podcast!
In this episode of Martina Flor's Open Studio, Martina shares practical insights and personal experiences on how to transition from a traditional 9 to 5 job to a successful freelance career as a lettering artist or creative professional. Martina discusses the necessary mindset shifts, the importance of defining your niche, building a focused portfolio, and strategies for balancing a day job while growing a side business. She also emphasizes the value of networking and learning from others in the industry.
Exciting news! Martina's upcoming book, launching at the end of July, is a comprehensive roadmap for mastering your craft, monetizing your passion, and building a successful creative business. Stay tuned for more details and events surrounding the book launch in future episodes!
To access the full show notes for this episode, click here: https://martinaflor.com/podcast