Our carbon-rich peatlands are now exposed to a changing climate and the impacts of human intervention. Many want to see more trees in the uplands, but why aren’t there already?
In episode 2 of the British Uplands podcast, we explore the history of the uplands, both culturally and ecologically. Who lives and works here and how do they feel about the future of the uplands.
Between ambitious tree planting targets, wind farm construction and efforts to restore damaged peatland, the British Uplands Podcast sees conservation journalists Byron Pace and Sarah Roberts explore the conflict between these difficult choices.
This is not a sit-down studio interview podcast. Over the coming weeks, we’ll join Byron and Sarah as they travel the country and get out on the hills, meeting guests ranging from soil scientists, ecologists and rewilding enthusiasts to gamekeepers, chefs, crofters and deer managers.
Episode one of six to be released weekly.
For more, visit www.britishuplands.com
Presented by Byron Pace & Sarah Roberts, co-produced and edited by David Shanks. An M.H. Studios production