Episode description
💎 Sergei Vasilyev, the source of the threatening messages and packages being sent to Gilbert Villiers, the CEO of Seven Continents, has been murdered, thrown off his 12th floor balcony by persons unknown. But before his killers struck, he sent Kirill Solokov an email. Could that contain a clue about who is behind his death? And could that person perhaps be Gilbert Villiers?
Macey is also dealing with a tricky situation. How much can she rely on what Eammon Fitzroy, the CFO for Seven Continents says? 🙄
🎧 To get the best experience of this story, listen with headphones.
🎨 Image from AI and author
Sound effects: Pixabay and Freesound
Music: ‘Tri martolod’ Breton folk song, Albin Gogh at Pixabay Music: Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay