Why Heroku introduced BEM to try and solve their CSS issues and why it didn't work
How custom tooling and Ember's component system alleviated any maintainability concerns about littering the HTML with presentational classes
Why Heroku still uses some component classes like "btn" and "input" even though they could encapsulate those in an Ember component
Why simply introducing any sort of rigid CSS architecture wasn't enough and why switching to a utility CSS approach specifically was critical to making UI development at Heroku more maintainable
How with a non-utility CSS approach, every new feature always seemed to require writing new CSS, no matter how many "reusable" components existed in the system
Why the team at Heroku still loves working with this approach, even 3.5 years after introducing it
How a utility-based approach has worked just as well for Heroku's marketing properties as it has for their application UI
Pylon, Alasdair's experimental CSS library that provides declarative layout primitives in the form of custom HTML elements