Happy Friday ya'll.
I just finished a 3-part series of episodes where I explored 3 topics:
I hear these concepts being thrown around all the time but I wanted to get to the heart of them. What are the key differences? When should you use one approach over another? And finally, what’s my take? Which one do I think is actually the most helpful for me and WHY? That's what I'm covering in this BONUS episode.
Check out the prior episodes where I actually went through each of these approaches and tried to apply them to my own business.
What’s your take? If you listened to this BONUS episode I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a message on Spotify or shoot me a DM on LinkedIn.
Subscribe to Modern Startup Marketing on Apple or Spotify or wherever you like to listen, and don't forget to leave a review if you're lovin' the show!
And whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. fractional head of marketing for early stage startups >> furmanovmarketing.com
2. sponsor my Top 5% podcast and get startup founders, marketers and VCs hearing about your brand >> podcast.furmanovmarketing.com
3. sign up to get my monthly early stage startup marketing newsletter where I’m sharing playbooks and insights and cracking some jokes
You can also find me hanging out on LinkedIn, definitely say hello and tell me what you're building >> www.linkedin.com/in/annafurmanov