I've been talking about websites quite a bit on the show, on LinkedIn, and I just came off a project where I looked at close to 200 B2B websites (!) and realized that being a B2B buyer in 2024 is kind of still awful. I wanted to explore why that is with Shane Murphy-Reuter, CMO at Webflow.
We also cover:
Who's on the marketing team at Webflow;
Why do B2B websites still suck in 2024;
Going beyond your website copy, how else can companies think about improving their websites today? (HINT: make it a memorable experience);
What marketing big bets are you taking in 2024 and why;
AMA: Shane asks me his burning question which I will answer in the next BONUS episode.
About Webflow:
You can find Shane on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/shanemurfy
Learn more about Webflow: https://webflow.com
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And whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. fractional head of marketing for early stage startups >> www.furmanovmarketing.com
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You can also find me hanging out on LinkedIn, definitely say hello and tell me what you're building and how it's going >> www.linkedin.com/in/annafurmanov