Episode 4 of the First Client series, or How to Land a Client in Four Weeks. In this episode you get to hear from two different podcast managers who landed their first clients in four weeks, Laura McRae and Andria Singletary. In these two short interviews we discuss how they got started in podcast management and landed their first clients, and focusing on connections in order to find clients. We also discuss how to build confidence in your podcast management skills, and how to use the information in the four episodes of this series to take action and land your first client in four weeks.
Laure McRae is the owner and founder of McCrae Business Solutions and an avid podcast listener and lover. With a background in marketing and VA, her organizational skills take the overwhelm out of podcasting. Digital workflows, colour coded spreadsheets and tech tools get her excited.
Andria Singletary is a wife, mom of two, podcast coach and strategist, and the host of the Mama Turned Mompreneur podcast. She is passionate about supporting mompreneurs with creating a podcast that generates consistent leads for their businesses.
In this episode, we cover:
-How Laura got started in podcast management and how she landed her first client in four weeks
-How Laura’s online business has grown since her first client
-Laura’s advice on how to get your podcast management business off the ground, and building connections
-How Laura utilizes Instagram Stories to promote her business and find clients
-Andria’s podcasting journey from early childhood education, to VA, to podcast manager
-How Andria landed her first client in podcast management
-Shifting your business focus to work for your current season of life
-Building confidence in your podcast management skills through recognizing you have something to offer, and reaching out to your network
-Balancing personal and business life on Instagram and social media
-Putting together a game plan to land a client in less than four weeks
If you want to chat more about this topic, I would love to continue this conversation with you, over on Instagram! @laurenwrighton
To learn how to earn $5k per month as a podcast manager (without taking on a million clients!) grab a seat in our free masterclass at http://laurenwrighton.com/masterclass
SHOW NOTES: https://laurenwrighton.com/episode169