Living in more and more freedom comes from exploring more of the healing that Jesus offers us. As we continue this walk we get to further experience more of the Zoweh John 10:10 life Jesus is talking about. In this Episode of Exploring More Michael Thompson, and SJ Jennings talk about what the recovery of the heart can look like. Using the Healing Along the Masculine Journey YouVersion plan that Zoweh has released, they walk through the last three days of the plan, and what healing within those stages can do and look like in your life. With the Heart of a Warrior Encounter having just happened, Michael and SJ encourage men to be intentional about their re-entry back in to the world. Look into your Lover, King, and Elder Sage stages and recover what was taken, in partnership with the Lord. Dive into these practices and rhythms with Michael, and SJ to explore more in this episode of the Exploring More Podcast.
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