Episode description
Can the calls for evidence-based improvement in HPE be answered by big national datasets?Do we know what works in HPE/meded? Does our training “work”? Is one institution or curriculum better than another? What does “better” mean anyway?
Follow this discussion lead by Jason R. Frank that has taken on an article that analyse how datapoints from graduate medical education might be able to improve that same education. Is it possible? What are the implications?
Hear what our hosts thinks.
Episode article
Thelen, A. E., George, B. C., Burkhardt, J. C., Khamees, D., Haas, M. R. C., & Weinstein, D. (2024). Improving Graduate Medical Education by Aggregating Data Across the Medical Education Continuum. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 99(2), 139–145.
As always you find tull episode notes on the webpage
PAPERs Podcast consist of
Hosts: Lara Varpio, Jason Frank, Jonathan Sherbino, Linda Snell
Technical Producer: Samuel Lundberg
Web Manager: Alex Alexandersson
Executive Producer: Teresa Sörö
Production of Teaching and Learning at Karolinska Institutet