Oxford Road VP of Creative Services Stew Redwine brings marketers a rare look into what makes the ads work on Oxford Road’s all-new podcast: Ad Infinitum.
The first season's episodes focus on individual Audiolytics™ Key Components and how they show up in the ads for some of the top spenders in audio. Episode 1 is titled "Starting Right" and Focuses on Audiolytics™ Key Component #1, "Setup: Why Should I Listen?". In this episode, Stew and Dallas Taylor, host of 20k Hertz and Creative Director at Defacto Sound, break down ads from four top spenders in Radio; ZipRecruiter, Progressive, The Home Depot, and Lowes.
About this episode's guest: Dallas Taylor is the host and creator of Twenty Thousand Hertz, the award-winning podcast revealing the stories behind the world’s most recognizable and interesting sounds. He is also the Creative Director of Defacto Sound - the sonic source for the world’s most thoughtful brands, a TED mainstage speaker, a regular contributor to major publications (like the guardian, wired, the wall street journal, and more), and a respected thought leader on the narrative power of sound.
Ad Infinitum is Presented by Oxford Road and Produced by Caitlyn Spring & Ezra Fox, MFA, written & hosted by Stew Redwine, and sound designed by John Mattaliano, with audio production by Zach Hahn.