Men, beware of these toxic habits that can keep you weak and unfulfilled. In this video, we'll expose 10 common habits that can hold you back and give you tips on how to break free from them. Strengthen your mind, body, and spirit by eliminating these toxic behaviors. Let's overcome them together! #tamilpodcasts #tamilpodcaster #vinodkj Lets See the 10 Bad habits that Keep men weaker in our Simplify your Life Tamil Podcast. (00:00) 10 habits that keep men weak (01:00) most men fall ito a deep rabbit hole never come out (03:22) The dangers of your comfort zone (05:02) surrendering your Power (06:58) Blind wishes dont come true (08:07) The Riochett Effect (09:34) Bleeding Money (11:03) passive relationship (12:32) digital escapism (13:58) curiosity barrier (15:14) catastrophic thinking (17:27) the 95% rule 10 bad habits that keeping men weak bad habits that keep you weak 10 bad habits keeping men weakhabits that make men weak negative habits that keeping you weak high value man self improvement modern male