We have always searched for the Meaning of Life, but to Live we just need to go on and on, and with each day and with each year passing we come to look at Life with different meanings but some rules are permanent no matter the age we live in. It cannot be broken nor be changed.
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1) Forget Newtons Third Law:
Not all Actions require an equivalent and opposite reaction. Sometimes sitting quietly and not responding immediately can be the best solution to many situations in Life.
2)Never be an innocent Hard worker:
Hard work has become a virtue of many today. Only if you learn to market your hard work can you really succeed in this competitive world? Marketing is not a niche just for Salespersons. Even if you are a diamond, it needs polishing to be noticed.
3)Control freaks cannot survive:
You should clearly know what you can control and what you cannot control. Only misery and Depression will be the outcome if you try to control every moment in your life.
4)Shameful Criticism:
There is no positive or negative criticism. Only be ashamed of what is worthy of being embarrassed.
If it is not worthy never waste or think about it. Just rub off the dust and start walking.
5)Positive Role Models:
Don’t just search for Role models. Look for positive role models. Being successful and wealthy does necessarily mean they are positive role models.
6)Dancing Vs Wrestling:
Understand that Life is more of wrestling than dancing. If you know only to dance be prepared to be disappointed.
7)Variety of Insults:Every person loves a different array of Foods, but whom among you can be a lover of a variety of Insults?
He who savours insults will brave any storm that life throws at him.
8)No one knows what confidence is:
In this attention seeking world, everyone wants to appear confident. Real belief is something that is from inside. The society as a whole is now ok with people who can fake confidence.
Confidence does not necessarily mean looking good and walking upright. When your body obeys your mind that is real confidence. There will be nothing to fake at that moment.
Pleasure is short-lived, and joy is long lasting. Joy has no relationship with your dopamine boost. The feelings of joy cannot be measured nor be forgotten. It will remain long after the hour has passed.
Even pain may be a source of Joy at certain moments, but no pleasure can connect both your mind and heart, it is just your mind playing the big game here.
You are not a Lion to constantly roar at others. You are human and to be humane is to understand how much words can come from your mouth and how much your mind can think. Put a full stop to anger; it has ruined more lives than many legacies it has build.
11)Difference between Honesty and desirability:Many are honest at certain times, but they never know what real honesty is all about. All they want to be desired by others at times. Temporary honesty is nothing but a sign of desirability. Sometimes attention seekers exhibit this desirability and confuse others by their honest acts.