Choosing a niche is hard. Or, it's scary, I should say.
It feels like the more you focus down, the less opportunity you'll have.
And even if you think you know where you want to specialize, knowing what steps to take first can be daunting.
Michelle reached out with this exact conundrum, so I thought it would be good to jump on a coaching call with her and share the conversation with you all (with her permission).
In this call, we talk about ways she can go about identifying her best opportunities and then what to do first.
She is considering one of several niches:
By the end, we narrow it down to two options and I give her some tips on the first steps to take to see if it helps her make a decision.
Here's the thing... when you pick a niche, the best way to do it (or, this is what I did) is to do it on the side. Start a blog, do a ton of industry-landscape research, build relationships, add a services page, and see if you can get some traction while you keep your current business running.
Some people will try to add multiple specializations to their main site, which can work, but it significantly waters down the messaging and makes you look less compelling.
When you go all-in on a separate site, every word, post, service, and detail is tailored to a specific audience.
And when someone refers you or if you speak to someone, they see your site and it feels like it was made entirely for them. Because it is.
Give this a listen and see what you think.
Are you still trying to hone in on your niche? Let me know in the comments where you're stuck.
I'll be doing 30-minute coaching calls again in the future, so if you want to participate, send me a DM!