This one might be a bit controversial. 🙂
Not really, but I do use the current political situation in the US to make a long-discussed point about where and how to build your marketing platform for longevity.
Disclaimer: I mention not liking Mr. Donald Trump in this episode, but it's not a slight at the Republican party, people, nor their values. My friends and colleagues walk down both sides of the aisle and frankly, there are things to be gained from both sides. No judgement from me.
So with that said—on with the show!
This one is a riff off a post I published on my blog back in June of this year about owning your own platform.
There are several reasons for this. Namely, you don't want to build a business on someone else's land.
In this episide, I talk about the four ingredients of an independent platform and why it's so important to focus on those key areas for longevity.
I also talk about the irony of this group being on Circle, which is a platform I don't own, and how I mitigate some of that risk.
Here's the orginal blog post this is based on.