* 4:45 - Ryan asks Afiya to expand on her academic journey and how she chose to study a Masters and Phd on the topic of growth mindset
* 9:16 - Afiya explains how struggle in her personal studies impacted her mindset.
* 9:50 - The game changer for Afiya…How she became receptive and open to seeing failure as an opportunity to grow and learn.
* 12:45 - Afiya explains how gratitude presented an opportunity in Mindsetworks
* 17:35 - Afiya discusses how preparation of mindset opens possibilities for opportunities.
* 20:30 - Why do we pass up on certain opportunities? What level of awareness and consciousness is present when opportunities arise.
* 22:20 - Ryan asks do people with growth mindset feel uncomfortable at times? And frames his thought process that led to the question
* 28:25 - How challenging emotions can impact our decisions for ourselves and others.
* 30:32 - Ryan asks what does Afiya’s role at Mindsetworks look like at the moment (prior to and during the pandemic)
* 35:15 - How the growth mindset programs can help parents, where they can find information to help support the development of their own children.
* 35:45 - Afiya describes that being mindful in the language you use can develop the growth mindset for your early learners (children)
* 44:07 - Ryan reads the mission of Mindsetworks
* 45:15 - Afiya shares the 5 biggest factors that she feels the company teaches and that all humans can use to operate more effectively.
* 56:00 - Ryan draughts an example of a discussion in relation to animal training leading to the next question…how do we get to the place where we are proficient at the tools and when do we know to use them for the learner in front of us?
* 58:30 - Afiya highlights the value of the learning zone.
* 1:04:15 - Ryan recaps Afiya’s top 5 factors that set you up for success in your growth mindset.
* 1:05:00 - Afiya shares with us what she would like the worlds growth mindset to be in the next 5-10 years.