Episode description
Luke Howes is the typical story of an ‘overnight success’ 15 years in the making.
Better known as the founder of bankstatements.com.au, in our interview, Luke gives us the back story that brought us his fantastic innovation that now provides value for thousands of brokers and tens of thousands of clients alike.
Immersed in the entrepreneurial world for the better part of his working life, Luke readily admits that bankstatements.com.au was born out of continually listening to the market, tweaking and refining tech solutions until they landed on something ‘big’ (aka a ‘unicorn’ in the world of tech).
And like many a small business owner, Luke learned on the job through trial and error. He advises that while tech isn’t his strong suit, he was fortunate to have a brother who he partnered with to co-create their vision.
Experiencing rapid growth, Luke quickly found himself needing to hire, lead, promote, sell & delegate so he could build the business.
Luke’s story is a parallel for many brokers who also experience the challenges that arise at various points in their business, and I hope you enjoy his forthrightness, energy and get inspired about taking your business to the next level.