When your job begins negatively affecting other aspects of your life—your family, your health, your self-worth—those are usually red flags signaling you to make a career change. But then comes a huge dilemma we see all the time — in desperation to escape your current situation, you jump into a new role that's just as bad as the one before.
So, how do you avoid desperation in your job search and find a new role that adds to your life instead of draining it?
That's where Cheri found herself. You’ll hear how she went from trying to get out of a job that was making her miserable, to being so sure about what she wanted as the next step of her career that she turned down roles that seemed great but didn’t align with her ideal career… until she found it!
What you’ll learn
*Don’t miss - Cheri and Scott discussing how to find organizations that you actually want to work for in episode 570.
Our book, Happen To Your Career: An Unconventional Approach To Career Change and Meaningful Work, is now available on audiobook! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/audible to order it now! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/book for more information or buy the print or ebook here!
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Career Change Guide - Learn how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over.
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