Kirsten Davies, chief information security officer at Unilever, joins Ann on this week's episode of Afternoon Cyber Tea. Kirsten is a recognized thought leader, serves on the Board of Governors for the New York Academy of Sciences, and is a Mentor for several non-profits and women's initiatives. The two discuss burnout and stress-related mental-health concerns in cyber, which are, unfortunately, on the rise. Now, security and business leaders alike are concerned that the pressure and responsibility of cyber roles–combined with the rise in cyber-attacks, reduction in resourcing, and other factors–is making cyber a less attractive career path. Ann and Kirsten discuss the importance of personal resilience, factors contributing to the cyber talent shortage, and strategies that leaders can adopt to improve their people's working conditions and well-being.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
Some of the unknown challenges that CISOs and cyber defenders are facing today
What can and should change to make cyber roles and work environments better
What organizations are addressing mental health and well-being best
Some Questions We Ask:
What are some of the factors that may impact our personal resilience?
How can future and current CEOs look to retain quality CISO and cyber defender talent?
What are some of the contributing factors to the cyber talent shortage?
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Afternoon Cyber Tea with Ann Johnson is produced by Microsoft and distributed as part of The CyberWire Network.